The year is almost over, and what a year it has been! Restrictions, social distancing, working from home…the new norm has changed our lives in ways we could never have imagined before. It’s a sentiment shared by many of the community members at Suncadia, as they discover a new way to lead a safe and secure life in the mountains—far from the city, closer to nature, and to an extent, shielded from some of the dangers the pandemic might bring. We spoke to two of our community members, Stephanie True and Carina Walters, to learn more about their experiences of sheltering in Suncadia.
How has the pandemic affected you and the family?
Stephanie True: It’s been an adjustment—like most other families, we’re dealing with homeschool, work-from-home, cancelled activities, limited playdates, kids with a lot of energy and not enough “safe” outlets.
Carina Walters: We’re out of our comfort zone, and it’s been a long road to finding some semblance of normalcy.
How has sheltering in Suncadia helped? When did you make the decision to move here and what was that journey like?
ST: We purchased our home in July 2020 so actually it was a mid-pandemic decision—having stayed in Suncadia with friends many times before, we always wondered “Should we do this?”—I guess the pandemic pushed us over the edge. We love the outdoor spaces which give us and the kids room to play without necessarily being close to others. The many parks, trails, scenic drives, opportunities for safe outdoor recreation were game-changing for us in 2020. Not to mention the change of scenery from our Seattle home. It was nice to be able to travel between the two homes!
CW: Honestly? Our decision to stay in Suncadia was not planned, it was more of a place to self-isolate after accidental exposure to the virus. We landed in Seattle from a trip to SunValley to news of a 2-week shut down and just headed to Suncadia with a couple of weeks worth of clothing—little did we know we would be there for the next 3 months as the city and world continued to shut down. But as time passed, Suncadia gave us more space to safely go on walks and roam, places to pick up to-go meals and so much more; we even found ways to keep the kids safely entertained outside of the house as my partner Matt embraced a “work from home” life.
What is an average day in Suncadia like for you?
ST: There is no average day! The internet is super-strong so my first grader will do her online classes if it’s a school day, but our days always include an outdoor activity (visits to Dawson Park, one of the pools, bike rides, ice skating, walking up and down the Lodge steps, picnics in the park…everyday is a new reason to step out and enjoy the sunshine!
CW: We have two young kids, so every day brings its own whirlwind—we’re usually up early for homeschooling sessions and working from home, and evenings are for exploring the community. In some ways the energy level remains the same as it would have been in Seattle!
What are the activities you and the family enjoy in the community?
ST: Since we purchased in July 2020, we haven’t yet had the opportunity to explore a lot of community activities, but we’re looking forward to the opening of The Great House, with all it’s family-friendly offerings, as well as exploring the Suncadia Rangers program and signing up for golf lessons.
CW: In a nutshell, everything. If I had to be specific though, it would be walking, random wildlife sightings, parks, and of course GOLF!
Can you describe one of the most unforgettable things that happened since you began to shelter in Suncadia?
ST: I would say we’ve had some really unforgettable days at the Tumble Creek pool. The staff has been accommodating and really made us feel as “normal” as possible even during a pandemic. We’ve also lucked out with some spectacular weather which made for some epic walks.
CW: The endless opportunities for exploration, on walks in solitude, with other family members, and safe-distance walks with neighbours—those moments are pretty special. But if I had to choose one, the elk sighting right in our driveway, was really unforgettable—a story for the ages!
And finally, do you have any message you would like to share with your fellow community members?
ST: I’m looking forward to meeting more people in 2021!
CW: Stay safe!
You too can take advantage of sheltering in Suncadia and be part of a warm, inclusive community. Get in touch with the experts at Suncadia Real Estate to find the perfect homesite that fits your lifestyle.